
Chiang Mai - Thailand
asia · 2025/01/06
Temples, wonderful smiling faces, huge markets, elephants and the chance to experience pure asian nature sights. Chiang Mai in northern Thailand must be on your travel bucket list!

Angkor Wat - Cambodia
asia · 2024/10/21
My 3 day trip to Cambodia with lots of crazy experiences, a gigantic amount of temples, mind blowing prices for food, drinks and accommodation and the most wonderful people you will meet. Here you find some advices for you next trip to Siem Reap & Angkor Wat.

Waterfalls & Volcanoes - Indonesia
asia · 2023/02/02
Indonesia is famous for its impressive landscapes. Ricefields, enormous palm tree forests, active volcanoes and wonderful waterfalls. Here are some stories from my trip to Malang. Up Mount Bromo and down Waterfall Tumpak Sewu

Karimunjawa Island - Indonesia
asia · 2022/11/26
If you want to see special places, the roads are rough. It took me quite a while to get to this little paradise but all the traveling was absolutely worth it. For me, Karimunjawa is already on my top 5 destinations I did in my life. Read more about this wonderful archipelago in the Java Sea.

My Vietnam trip by train
asia · 2022/07/18
Here's a trip you want to have on your bucket list. Trust me this is the most ridiculously cheap journey you can take. Vietnam is beautiful and offers tons of wonderful nature sights, old temple complexes and is home to some of the most friendliest people I ever met. Hop on and let's go!

Round trip Sri Lanka
asia · 2020/01/15
Find out more about my trip to Sri Lanka and how I took a train ride from Colombo to Kandy, a crazy bus trip up north to Trincomalee, rode a Tuk Tuk down south, explored Ella on a motorbike and got caught in the monsoon season in Mirissa...